So Freaking Hard Core

I'm sitting here at the construction site that is my home office right now, looking out of a brand new set of windows. That isn't even the beginning though. In front of the house is a port-o-john, and a large crane that is lowering 13 foot diameter pipe sections way down into the earth - building a better drainage system under the city.

Drill Doctor

During the workday, the house often shakes as if there was an earthquake going on, as the workers pound a large piece of metal far into the ground. The metal acts as a wall that is holding the dirt in place, to allow the workers some breathing room as they piece together the largest pipe I've seen in my life.

Drill Doctor

As part of this adventure, Kyle, the guy who put the new windows into the house today told me a crazy battle story from the old days, which I had to pass onto you. He was on a roof, working with his dad. His dad was an ex-drill sergeant, so needless to say, he is a little intense. But very focused. Very hard working.

They're moving right along, putting new shingles onto the roof.

They're using nailguns to put in row after row of new material, trying to beat the clock. Then BAM. The sergeant nails RIGHT THROUGH his own foot.

A normal person would call it a day, head to the doctor. Not this guy.

He calls for his son "throw me the pry bar so I can get this thing unstuck".

He gets the nail out of his own foot, and then with a combination of a McDonald's napkin on either side of his foot and a lot of duct tape, proceeds to put himself back together.

Kinda stops the bleeding, but definitely finishes the roof.

The next day, his foot is swollen and gigantic from the trauma. He finally goes to the doctor, and gets the help he deserves.

Holy cow, now that is putting in a hard day at work.

Reach for the top, -Wally

So Freaking Hard Core
Drill Doctor

Cytosport Muscle Milk